Move calls from AT&T Teleconference Service Seamlessly

Move calls from AT&T Teleconference Service Seamlessly by Mapping Features & Services A clear understanding of your users and use cases is essential to move calls from AT&T Teleconference Service seamlessly. That knowledge enables us to effectively map utilized incumbent features and services to identify:    Calls where feature parity exists will be simplest to […]

Migrate AT&T Teleconference Service Accounts

Make Time for the Successful Migration of Your AT&T Teleconference Service Accounts A successful migration will start with a clear understanding of your accounts and usage. You’ll want to start by requesting a trailing 12 corporate monthly summary report and a registration (RDI) report from AT&T.  Reviewing these reports will help us audit and clean […]

AT&T Teleconference Service Replacement: Bspoke Conferencing by Intellor

Looking for an AT&T Teleconference Service Replacement? Bspoke Conferencing by Intellor. Customers looking for an AT&T Teleconference Service Replacement will find tools to do business as usual, and tools to do business better with Intellor. Here are just a few of the benefits that Intellor’s reservation-less, reserved, and operator-hosted Bspoke Conferencing offers:   YOU HAD: […]

The Alternative to AT&T Teleconference Services

Do I need an alternative to AT&T Teleconference Services? AT&T is the latest telco to suspend conferencing services. You need an alternative to AT&T Teleconference Services asap if you rely on: AT&T Global Audio, which provides Host with bridges to conduct calls on demand. Toll and toll-free dial-in, persistent access codes, and touchtone management are […]

The Cognitive Burden of Conferencing

Conferencing Service to lighten cognitive burden

Ten years ago, conferencing meant teleconferencing as often as web. Ten years ago, web conferencing vendors charged thousands – or tens of thousands – of dollars for large-scale web conferencing licenses. Ten years ago, large-scale meant more than a thousand attendees. Ten years ago, companies and government agencies planned, prepared, practiced, and maybe even prayed […]

Lessons from the Pandemic: Takeaways for Teleconference Hosts

Open and closed locks

In all the talk of “lessons from the pandemic” for virtual and hybrid communication, the focus has been on video/web conferencing. But there are takeaways for teleconferencing, too. How about “How to avoid Zoom-bombing” when hosting a teleconference? These simple tactics can get you there when you host a reserved conference – giving you control […]

Battle of the Breakout Sessions

Breakout sessions can be a great way to inform or engage your webinar audience. But with Webex Webinars’ new breakout functionality differing substantially from Webex Meetings, it’s essential to select the platform that matches your goals. Planning to Inform? Webinars. Access: An attendee self-selects a breakout session unless registration/pre-assignment is set up.  Audio: An attendee is muted […]

When a Microsoft Teams meeting dial in couldn’t meet requirements for citizen engagement, this state government agency turned to Intellor.

Woman on phone

When the pandemic closed committee and hearing rooms, state and local governments required new ways to fulfill obligations to engage constituents. Many looked to internal Teams infrastructure, assuming it would suit evolving requirements. But for some communities and communications, it fell short, leaving communicators to balance challenges, including: Internal stakeholders’ desire to use Teams – […]

Better online webinars with Slido polling

online webinars

Polling can be a great way to increase engagement or gather feedback during online webinars, but Webex’s native capabilities limit the nature of polls you can create and require you to create them during your online webinar rather than allowing you to prepare them ahead of time. Happily, the new Slido plug-in for Webex Webinars […]

Audio conferencing solution via meeting room?

Audio conferencing solution hardware in an empty conference room

Three reasons to think twice about using your meeting room as an audio conferencing solution. Who just joined the call? Given the prominence of video/web conferencing, that question may seem like a throwback to days of old. But given the simple market reality – billions of teleconferencing minutes occurring every year – it’s a question […]