Intellor Multimedia: enhance and enable access to your meeting recordings

John Lovell

When you need to extend the reach and impact of critical information beyond a live event, Intellor is like having your own multimedia services team.

Whether you’re conducting an earnings call, a training, or anything in between, your content may need to live on after the call or webinar concludes. While meeting recording is sometimes a record-keeping check box, it’s often important from a legal or regulatory perspective or to add value for the organization’s employees, customers, shareholders, or stakeholders. A polished, professional, accessible meeting recording, then, is a business imperative.

That’s where Intellor – your multimedia services team – comes in. We can help you check the box by providing a recording of a conference we host as a service, but where we add value is in the services we provide – whether to improve our recording or to enhance one you created in a personal meeting room.

Wish your meeting recordings were cleaner?

Our professionals can improve audio, eliminate barking dogs, replace slides with typos and much more.

Need to connect your stakeholders with your meeting recordings?

We can produce a written transcript or a visual recording including captions in support of accessibility. And we can host your meeting recordings on-demand – whether online or for dial-in replay – in support of access.

Curious about new content types?

If you’re thinking about embracing video to make your meeting recordings more engaging in the future, talk to Intellor about pre-recording video content or our live, onsite production services.

Conferencing without compromises

Every day, the Intellor multimedia services team helps enterprise and government deliver polished, professional, and accessible meeting recordings to stakeholders. Let us extend the resources of your team and the life and value of your content. That’s conferencing without compromises.