Intellorisms: enabling conference translation in real time

John Lovell

You’re planning a town hall teleconference for your US and Canadian employees.

You have a French translator lined up to for your English-speaking CEO.

Do you have the infrastructure to enable conference translation in real-time?

Recently, an Intellor customer realized the answer was “no.” The customer had plenty of audio bridges, but no way to bring them together to support a US-based CEO, a Canada-based translator, and employees spread across both countries. And the C Suite had far higher priorities than figuring out how to get to “yes.”

Technically, we quickly solved the customer’s problem by providing discrete bridges for US and Canadian employees, while connecting the CEO and translator to enable real-time conference translation. Practically, we provided the customer with a seamless experience, in which both audiences were supported, and the CEO’s remarks were heard clearly by all participants, regardless of location or language.

These requirements may fall “outside the box” of an organization’s low-cost conferencing technologies but helping clients meet “outside the box” but business-critical communication requirements is what we do. You won’t need us every day, but if want to make sure you have access to the professional expertise you’ll need on crunch day, let’s start a conversation today.