Move calls from AT&T Teleconference Service Seamlessly

Intellor Group

Move calls from AT&T Teleconference Service Seamlessly by Mapping Features & Services

A clear understanding of your users and use cases is essential to move calls from AT&T Teleconference Service seamlessly. That knowledge enables us to effectively map utilized incumbent features and services to identify:   

  1. Calls where feature parity exists will be simplest to move.
  2. Calls where feature parity is nuanced – a different approach or user experience – may require longer runway and greater user communication, training, and support.
  3. Call series – which may have persistent dial-in and/or PIN information – also benefit from special care.

Given our long history of working with AT&T and its customer, there is far more common ground than not, but clear and shared understanding will help us to define a thoughtful transition plan for both reservation-less and reserved calls. As a bonus, it will help us to identify users and use cases that will benefit from the modern features Bspoke offers.   

Considering your unique context will help us help you make a seamless transition to Intellor – Bspoke Conferencing and/or operator-assisted conferencing.