Operator Assisted

In a video world, do Operator Assisted Conference Calls still matter?

In a word YES. There are many factors that make audio conferencing the right or preferred choice for some communications.

Audiences matter

Some prefer the familiarity of a teleconference and the polish a conference call operator provides.

Equity matters

Limited internet access and bandwidth can make a teleconference the best choice for many global events.

Content matters

Rather than forcing or rushing visuals, deliver content via high-quality audio.

Connection matters

When your webinar or webcast doesn’t provide the quality, capacity or interactivity required, complement it with a teleconference.

Intellor provides a suite of standard and advanced features and services that can be customized to your specific requirements.

As standard

  • Easily request calls online 24/7/365
  • Receive one email with clear and simple call instructions – one path for speakers, another for participants
  • Pre-call email from your operator 48hrs before your call

Optional services

  • A Dry Run can help you to prepare for a critical call, test an in-room a/v setup, and plan for success
  • A Recording Session will produce a polished, edited audio file – whether you need to pre-record a single speaker or the entire call 

Optional features

  • When you need to gate access to a set list of callers but also want scalability and speed, choose an Invitation-only call with PIN-based dialing
  • If you want to know who’s planning to come, who’s called in, and who came, Registration with PIN-based dialing gives you that, along with real-time reporting
  • Hosting a recurring call? A Series can provide participants with easy access using the same phone number and access code every time

As standard

  • Private speaker pre-conference for sound check and run-of-show review
  • Operator dial-out to speaker(s)
  • Customizable call script
  • Pre-call hold music for attendees
  • Request a Roll Call readout of participants
  • Voice-trained operator emcees call and moderates Q&A 
  • International access  
  • Lecture (broadcast) or interactive call modes

Optional services

  • Play your custom hold music and/or pre-call announcements
  • Support a call with a global audience using a dedicated Language Bridge 
  • Operator-Assisted Dial-in 

Optional features

  • Access our visual conference monitor to view your callers and question queue, and live chat with your operator
  • Connect your on-location a/v support directly with our operator for real-time coordination via a comm line
  • Facilitate smaller group interaction with Breakout Sessions
  • Capture participant feedback with Voting & Polling

As standard

  • Your operator will deliver an Attendance Report by email immediately following your call
  • Reports are downloadable from .csv format for easy import and/or manipulation

Optional services

  • Request a Written Transcript  
  • Enable global stakeholders with Transcript Translation
  • Editing Services are available if you wish to improve, remove, excerpt, or otherwise enhance recorded content prior to distribution

Optional features

  • Receive electronic delivery of your Conference Recording in .mp3 format 
  • Make your call available for Dial-in Replay

Operator Assisted Conferencing guide

Learn how Intellor can help you deliver a polished, professional teleconference with high-quality audio managed by trained, professional operators.

The Intellor advantage

Loyal customers don’t happen by accident. That’s why we focus people, processes, and pricing around ours.

Need help planning an important call? We can help with that. Need to charge a call to client or project? We can bill for that. Need to minimize spend on ‘unused port’ penalties? We don’t charge for that.

Dedicated Operators. We recruit and train outstanding operators, pure and simple. We don’t ask them to juggle reservations and reporting.

We free them to focus on your call – from pre-call prep through your final post-call deliverable. 

Dedicated Studios. Call quality starts with world-class audio platforms but it can’t end there. We equip our operators with high-quality headsets, house them in dedicated US-based studios (yes, that means a door), and run those studios on redundant telephony, internet, and power infrastructure.  

Operator Assisted Conference call benefits


Comm line, visual conference monitor, reporting, transcription.

Globally accessible

Global toll and toll-free numbers.


Support hundreds or thousands of callers.


PIN-based dialing option for no hold time for an operator - ever.


Live and simulated live calls, independent or in conjunction with your webinar or webcast.

Challenge the status quo

See how PIN-based calling can give you increased accuracy and greater capacity while providing faster access for your callers.

More about Intellor

Get the most out of your current internal platform with Intellor webinar services.

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